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Tuesday 6 June 2017

Step by step procedure to download Ericsson 3G XML Configuration Parameters from OSS

Hello members.
Continuing the Hunter Free Tools Initiative, this is the next Hunter Boda Parser.
This week is for Ericsson 3G XML.
Boda parsers are written in Java and distributed as ".jar" files. The easiest way to run a jar file in Windows is to use the command prompt. (To run the command prompt, look for "cmd.exe"). The parsers can be used on other platforms that have Java installed besides Windows. This write-up focuses on Windows as it is the currently supported platform for the Hunter tools.
Important: make sure you run the command on one line only (not on separate lines).
Note: This specific post is for Ericsson 3G XML issues only. If you have questions regarding other Vendor/RAT, either find another topic or create a new topic - if not already created.
Below are the necessary procedures to obtain Ericsson 3G XML dump and parse it. Enjoy!
Step by step procedure to download and configure Hunter Boda Ericsson 3G (XML) Parser
  1. Click the link below and download body parser to an appropriate folder on your computer.
    Tip: follow the Hunter suggested folder structure so that it will be easier to organize future parser versions, and also other parsers for other RATs.
    Download Link: boda-bulkcmparser.zip11 (11.0 KB)
  2. The Hunter Structure starts with a "Hunter" base folder. Then, a subfolder for "Boda". In the Boda folder, create a folder for this parser ("Ericsson_3G"). And finally, the module folders: "Scripts", "Output" and "Data".
  3. For now, we will follow the Hunter folder structure and download the BODA Parser "boda-ericssoncnaiparser.jar" to "C:\Hunter\Boda\Ericsson_3G\Scripts\"
Step by step procedure to download Ericsson 3G XML Configuration Parameters from OSS
Let's obtain the raw CM dump file.
  1. Log into Ericsson OSS via Citrix.
  2. Launch OSS Common Explorer: Start -> Applications -> Ericsson -> OSS Common Explorer
  3. Under 'Topology' (at the left) choose WCDMA
  4. Click to expand “ONRM_ROOT_MO_R” to see each RNC
  5. Select the desired RNC and right click the mouse. In the pop up Menu choose “Export RNS”.
  6. In the 'Bulk CM Export' dialog see how Export Parameters Configuration Options are set, and make some changes if needed.
  7. Under “Export Details” configure “Export to”: folder to save the Parameters File (in the OSS Computer HD) (The file is by default exported to “/var/opt/ericsson/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export/”)
  8. Give a proper “File Name”: the name of the file. For example, “Ericsson-3G-PARAMETERS_RNCxxx.XML”
  9. Under Filter Details check option “Radio and Transport Network
  10. And check the “Use Compress Export” option
Following the Hunter Folder Structure, download the file to "C:\Hunter\Boda\Ericsson_3G\Data\". You can download to any other folder; just make sure it will be easy to find.

Step by step procedure to parse (process/extract) Ericsson 3G Configuration Parameters
With the raw dump file downloaded, let's extract the Parameters!
  1. First, check if the downloaded files are compressed (ZIP, RAR, 7-z, GZ, etc...). If so, uncompress them using any compression/uncompression utility such as Winzip, Winrar or 7-zip.
  2. We need to run a command. It is best practice to create a auxiliary text file, to store/modify the command. Under the Scripts folder, create a file called "boda-bulkcmparser.txt" to contain the command.
    Adjust the command based on usage:
    "java -jar boda-bulkcmparser.jar inputFile outputDirectory"
  3. Run the command and wait for it to finish.
    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you run the command on ONE LINE ONLY (not on separate lines).
  4. Done! All your parameters are extracted into CSV files. These can be opened using a text editor, Microsoft Excel or Access .

"java -jar C:\HUNTER\Boda\Ericsson_3G\Scripts\boda-bulkcmparser.jar C:\HUNTER\Boda\Ericsson_3G\Data\example_data_subfolder\example_cm_file.xml C:\HUNTER\Boda\Ericsson_3G\Output\example_output_subfolder\"
"C:\HUNTER\Boda\Ericsson3G\Data\example_data_subfolder\" is the folder where you have your dump file;_
"examplecm_file.txt" is your dump file;_
"C:\HUNTER\Boda\Ericsson3G\Output\example_output_subfolder\" is the folder where all CSV files will be created._


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